Monday, April 16, 2012

French fries for breakfast.

I picked up a couple of adorable yellow egg cups from Kohl's for a dollar after Easter last year, but I still hadn't used them. I mean, who even uses egg cups? We unfortunately are not British over here.

So anyway, I learned to make soft-boiled eggs. They need to go 5 minutes ish... not long enough and they're impossible to peel and grossly gooey... too long and there is no soft yolk inside.

The soft yolk is important for this cute breakfast idea - you make cinnamon toast french fries and dip them in the yolk. I don't normally like my eggs with a very runny yolk but this was fun and yummy.

For the cinnamon toast, you can read Pioneer Woman's unreasonably exhaustive treatise on how to make it correctly, or you can just take my word for it that her point is: put it under the broiler, don't just dump some sugar on your toast. (And watch it! It really needs to be there for less than a minute.)

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